Lawn Maintenance

Are you struggling to maintain a lush, healthy lawn, throughout the year? Inconsistent care, unpredictable weather, and seasonal changes can leave your lawn looking less than its best.

Mike Lynch Enterprises is here to provide comprehensive lawn maintenance services that ensure your lawn remains vibrant and well-maintained all year round. From yearly maintenance contracts to seasonal clean-ups, we’ve got you covered.

Yearly Maintenance Contracts
Get consistent care and attention throughout every season with tailored yearly maintenance contracts designed for both residential and commercial properties.

Residential / Commercial Services
Whether you own a home or manage commercial properties, our team is equipped to handle lawns of all sizes. We bring the same level of dedication and expertise to every project, no matter the scale.

Spring and Fall Clean-Ups
Seasonal transitions can be tough on your lawn. Our spring and fall clean-up services remove debris, leaves, and other seasonal clutter to prepare your lawn for optimal growth and health.

Fertilization Programs
A well-fertilized lawn is a healthy lawn. Our fertilization programs are customized to provide your grass with the nutrients it needs to thrive throughout the year, promoting strong roots and vibrant greenery.

Slice Seeding (Fall Only)
Improve the thickness and resilience of your lawn with our slice seeding service, available exclusively in the fall. This process helps to rejuvenate thin or patchy areas, ensuring a fuller and more uniform appearance.

Storm Clean-up
Storms can wreak havoc on your lawn. Our storm clean-up services quickly address any damage caused by severe weather, restoring your lawn to its pre-storm condition and preventing long-term issues.

Ready to give your lawn the care it deserves? Contact Mike Lynch Enterprises today for a free estimate. Experience prompt, reliable, and professional service that will transform your lawn into a beautiful, healthy oasis.